I love reading and book memes so much, so I’ve decided to put together a collection of my favourites! I hope this gallary of bookish humour brightens your day!
Feel free to come back and check for updates, as I’ll be adding more gems to this collection whenever I stumble upon a meme that resonates with us book lovers!

Me after every 5 star read.

Life in general, but yeah, when I finish a great series and then can't find another for ages...I don't know what to do

So many books fall on this list.

My poor mum, I do this all the time haha.

Xaden and Violet need to have a happy ending for my sanity.
Me when someone talks to me when I'm reading on the train.
There is someone in my life who will love this know who you are.

I had this conversation so many times and yes, this is actually what happens.
Apprently reading a book in one sitting isn't good for your mental health. I figure since mine is already non-existant may as well keep reading in on go *shrug*.
Excuse me, but I will cry when the characters finally realise their love for each other and if someone dies. I don't care if they're fictional, they're better than most of humanity; I mean, have you seen the news lately?

If I had a moustache, this is me.
I have never realted to a line in a TV series more.
What can I say? I'm the life of the party.

"I don't need sleep! I need answers!" = me whenever I read as fantasy book/ series.
I have multiple personalities and they all centre around books.


I love when I see people reading Silver Flames on the train hahaha.

Onyx Storm.
That is my exact face when I see someone reading a book I've read.

RIGHT?! Where do they go? What do they do? How do they live? So many questions.

When someone tells me to go out an meet new people, I don't need too, I have books.

If I haven't got a book lined up to read once I've finished one...

Forget apples.

Book friends are awesome.

I mean... accurate

I know, I know, I'm truly a hero. Please, hold the applause. I know my sacrifices are a big deal, but someone's got to take one for the team sometimes... hahahahaha

Rip my heart out, burn it, stomp on the ashes and throw them into a volcano. That's the sign of a good book.

The amount of times I actually think this per slightly concerning not gonna lie...oh well :)