Onyx Storm Review & Theories

5 Stars | 2 Spice


Wow. Just wow. Amazing read. I was gripped from the first page. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and I loved every. Single. Second. I feel Onyx Storm gave me more of the same vibes Fourth Wing did compared to Iron Flame. I can’t wait for book 4 and 5. Like seriously, I need them, now. Hahaha.




Holy moly was that good. I have so many thoughts and feelings, it will take me days, even weeks to fully process this.

Ok, first thing is first. Vi and Xaden are everything. They are just everything and no one can convince me otherwise. Second, Jack Barlow is a cockroach. Third, Cat is still a bitch and I still wouldn’t care if Tairn ate her. Fourth, dragons are awesome creatures full of sass and i’m here for it. And finally, Ridoc was on FIREEE in this one; I highlighted so many lines in this one and I think Ridoc being hilarious was like 60% of them.

I think the writing in this was fantastic. The pace is spot on, I was constantly on the edge of my seat, dying to know what happens on the next page. The characters voices were completely distinct and I really felt like I knew who everyone was; even the characters without many lines. Once again, Rebecca has shown us all how incredibly talented she is.

My one and only, I don't want to say negative because it's not really, I think it's just personal preference, but I found some of the chapters a bit too long during the mid-point of the story.

I love how Vi and Xaden's relationship developed, you can still see how young they both are with how they tackle certain aspects of the relationship, but you can also feel how much they truly love one another.

Andarna as a teenager is awesome. THE SASS. I mean, she's getting level with Tarin and it's just fantastically hilarious.

I really enjoyed having Imogen and Rhi's points during the final battle in the book. It was so great to hear from their dragons perspectives as well. And again, this is a testament to Rebecca's talent as a writer, but even though I didn't really care for Quinn like I did the other characters, I was still heartbroken at her death.

I think what truly ripped out my heart and tore it in two in this book wasn't Xaden 99% channelling (because I think it's safe to assume a part of his soul remains, but on to theories in a moment), it was Andarna leaving.

I mean, I felt that. I really, really felt that in my very soul. It hurt.

I thought it was done at a really good point though, because as the reader I was already balancing on the edge of hopelessness, but that just pushed me down 50 flights of stairs. At the point I really thought the book was going to end very, very badly.

But, I actually think it ended leaving us some room to hope.


Ok, so beforeI get to some of mine and my friends theories, wanted to talk about a few I read earlier this week.

Theory 1:

Larry Reads theory I think is so spot on; if you haven't checked out her theory yet, head over to her TikTok (@larryreads) cause I 100% agree with it. The marriage keeping Xaden's soul intact has to be correct, or at least one of the reasons why it happened. That was my first thought when I first read that last chapter. And it also made sense at why Aaric (our resident That's So Raven) was so insistent on making sure the Dune temple was protected because Xaden needed that favour from the high priestess. As soon as it was confirmed Vi's a dream walker, (and I say it like this cause I found out the ending on the day Onyx Storm came out haha), I was immediately like, ok, that's how they're gonna communicate in book 4. 

I also agree that the compass is important, and will likely lead Vi to either Xaden or something else important towards a cure or something. [I have included my kindle note when I read this because I did make myself laugh hahaha.]

Theory 2:

Ok, so second theory I read earlier this week from @emilystheories on Instagram. This theory, really excited me. When I read it my mind went WILD. I mean it makes so much sense, and from this I have so many more theories. The theory is Violet channel's her magic from the sky (head to her Instagram to read the evidence for this). Now the theory is that the Irid's channel their magic from the sky, but I'm not 100% on that part, but I will get to why in a moment. What excites me most about this theory is as follows:

"We also know that nature likes everything in balance. Magic, when channeled by a human directly from the ground, corrupts and creates venin. But what if magic, when channeled by a human from the sky instead - can heal? And can cure the venin?" - @emilystheories on Instagram

Since finishing, I have been desperately working out ways to think of how they will cure Xaden (my friends can attest to this, it began to get comical). But this, man, when I read this, I was like ah-ha! That's so much more believable then the crazy crap I was coming up with. Now, assuming this is true. I have another theory to tact onto this one (which relates to why I mentioned above that I might not solely be because of the Irid's).

The dream walking still worked even after Andarna had gone, so my thinking is, that as the lightning signet comes from Tairn and (assuming this theory is spot on) Vi channels from the sky, that the dream walking is a signet because of that and she hasn’t actually developed Andarna’s signet yet because Andarna is still a juvenile. A juvenile has never bonded before so not much is known, and there hasn't been a lightning wielder in centuries. I mean this is a major stretch, but maybe Vi hasn’t actually developed Andarna's signet yet; maybe she will have 3. It keeps being hinted that Vi will be the most powerful rider, but we found out in this book, quite a few people seem to have second signets. Maybe she'll be able to break and create bonds like Andarna? Could this be part of the cure...

Onto some of mine and my friends theories now.

Theory 3:

This one has to do with why the dragon eggs were stolen. I think there was more to the plan Xaden and Sgaeyl were talking about. I don't think it was just marriage. I think Xaden stole the eggs. In Iron Flame, Xaden told Vi, that part of the alloy the venin killing daggers are made of is made from dragon egg shells. Maybe he stole them in order to create a weapon or (and I say this because I must keep all sense of hope or I will lose what is left of my sanity) a cure...

Theory 4:

I'm not too sure on this one now, but thought I'd share it anyway.

Ok so the line at the end where Xaden says - "I'd kill him if I could." - stuck with me. It's the "if I could". My first thought was The Vampire Diaries (before you think I'm completely mad, stay with me for a second). So, in VD, we find out that they can't kill Klaus because if they killed him, it would kill everyone in his sire line. Now from a few things Xaden has said, it sounds to me like, there are different Sages and the Sages are responsible for turning/ training their initiates, kind of like The Original's siring other vampires. I'm pretty sure no Sage has died yet (a Maven has as we know, go Violet), but I don't think a Sage has. So I wonder if somehow the Sage is connected to the initiate kind of like the venin are. Now, and stay with me, in The Original's, eventually some witches are able to sever the bond between Klaus and his sires so Klaus can be killed without killing thousands of other vampires. Maybe, a way to cure him or just defeat the venin in general, is to sever this bond?

Now that is WAY out there so, and likely in no way correct, but this was a thought I had.

Theory 5:

This theory is from a very clever friend of mine. So she is convinced (and I agree) that Tairns last rider (Naolin) is venin. Here are some direct quotes for some evidence:

"Did you pick up on how she mentioned the rune again…how Sloane's siphoning didn’t cause a rune but Brennan has one and she always assumed it was from him being saved…so WHERE DID IT COME FROM" - Emma White, Natalie's very clever friend.

"Notice how Tairn never said he died anywhere in the book…he only ever says ‘the one who came before’ and how they don’t speak of him" - Emma White, Natalie's very clever friend.

I definitely think Naolin will come into play eventually. He's referred to, to often, but not often enough, not to be. After my very clever friend said this, one thing I thought is maybe, when channelling to save Brennan (also I think they were romantically involved) he somehow gave him part of his soul so Brennan wouldn't die, because from the injury he should have. For example, when Mira was dying Brennan could only save her because Sloane siphoned power from Dain, now Naolin didn't have a siphon so he channelled directly from the earth, but I think, like Xaden, he still had some soul left because of his love for Brennan, and I think that he somehow accidentally, or on purpose, gave that last part of his soul to Brennan and that's where the rune comes from.

Ok so I'm going to leave it there for now with the theories, maybe if I see more cool theories or think of some more myself I will update this post!


I have questions to ask, please feel free to disucss below in the comments or head over to my Instagram or TikTok to comment there!

  1. Does Imogen see the memories she's erasing? Because, if she can that would still put Xaden's location and what happened at risk. How does her signet work, because she must just be able to tell it to erase 12 hours without having to see the 12 hours of memories or a mind reader could see them and we'd up up sh*ts creek.

  2. WHAT IS THE VENINS GOAL?! This is in caps because this has been on my mind since Iron Flame. Like, seriously, what is the goal here? Why start this war? Is it a case of, 'just cause'? Because surely, once the entire continent is drained...that's it? No more channelling? [This actually relates a lot to why the sky theory is likely correct, they want Vi so badly because they know they'll run out of ground to drain from, there's a lot more sky.]

  3. Will Jack Barlow ever f**king die? I mean, come on. This dude has like 10 thousand freaking lives.

  4. What important character will die before the conclusion of the series? Someone will die. It will suck. I just really don't want it to be either Vi or Xaden obvs. I think Ridoc would kill me, Rhi would kill me. I don't think Mira will die cause she almost died but didn't in this one. I also think Sawyer will survive cause he's lost his leg instead of dying. Ridoc could pull a Liam and sacrifice himself to save Vi, but I don't Rebecca is a repeater, you know? She won't use the same premise again I don't think.

  5. And my final question... What do we think the timeline is for the rest of the series? Book 4, 2027? Book 5, 2029? So long away * insert hysterical crying here *

To end off this post, I thought I would add some of my favourite lines from Onyx Storm! Thanks for reading!

Have a beautiful, bookish day - Natalie :)

"I will not die today. I will save him." - Violet, chapter 1, page 20 (Kindle)

"'Your wings won’t hold the weight of this ice,’” Andarna blatantly mocks him. “And yet yours miraculously carry the burden of your ego.” - Andarna, chapter 1, page 22 (Kindle)

“I could reach the rank of Maven, lead armies of dark wielders against everyone we care for, and watch every vein in my body turn red as I channel all the power in the Continent, and I would still love you. What I did doesn’t change that. I’m not sure anything can.” - Xaden, chapter 2, page 46 (Kindle)

“‘Rebel’ is so… outdated. We prefer the term ‘revolutionary,’” - Violet, chapter 5, page 84 (Kindle)

“We live by the Codex—” I try again. “I live by you. When have I ever given a fuck about the Codex or the Code of Conduct?” He cradles my face and leans down, resting his forehead against mine. “I am yours and you are mine, and there’s no law or rule in this world or the next that will change that.” - Violet and Xaden, chapter 14, page 188 (Kindle)

“Oh gods, just stop flirting and fuck already,” Ridoc says. Every head slowly turns in his direction. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?” he asks me in a hushed whisper. “Oh yeah, you did,” I reply, patting him on his back. “Garrick’s going to blow you off the mat.” “Now that I might enjoy, depending on the method he chooses—” Ridoc winces. “I’m going to stop talking now.” - Ridoc and Violet, chapter 17, page 255 (Kindle)

“Asshole!” Ridoc shouts, and I pivot to see him plow his fist into the cook’s face. “I have four uniforms, but only one fucking flight jacket, and I”—punch—“ hate”—punch—“ sewing!” - Ridoc, chapter 37, page 465 (Kindle)

“And I want a patch for this shit, Violet. A quest squad patch. Understand?” - Ridoc, chapter 37, page 465 (Kindle)

“I am busy with curmudgeonly things.” - Tairn, chapter 40, page 503 (Kindle)

“Well aware,” Xaden replies. “First because I trust Violet, and second”—he glances at Ridoc in a dismissive once-over—“ it wasn’t a big enough strike.” Seriously? I scoff. “Huh.” Ridoc tilts his head as if deciding something, then shakes it. “Nope. You and I are not back to dick jokes yet. Not that we were ever there. I’m still pissed.” - Xaden and Ridoc, chapter 43, page 534 (Kindle)

“Harder. Rougher. I can do that.” I nod, then reach into my Archives and yank a strand of Tairn’s power loose. “I’m sure you can, considering who you’re sleeping with" - Violet and Ridoc, chapter 54, page 673 (Kindle)

“Now that the Duke of Angst is gone" - Bohdi, chapter 59, page 709 (Kindle)

~ Yarros, Rebecca. Onyx Storm. Little, Brown Book Group, 2025


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